Status: Released
On Oxygen's Snapped, Season 9, Episode 22 the story of the murder of her husband Ron Whitehead by Velma Ogden Whitehead, is shown. The show is described as Velma Ogden Whitehead, her 16-year-old son, and his friend are responsible for plotting the carjacking death of her husband Ron Whitehead in March 2005.This happened in Washington.
Velma Ogden Whitehead pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 22 years in prison on June 5, 2008. John Ogden was also convicted for his role in this murder.
The appeal includes: Ronald Whitehead, John Ogden’s stepfather, was shot fourtimes around 5:40 a.m. on March 18, 2005, at an intersection in Des Moines less than two milesfrom his house. Whitehead had been driving to work in his Ford Mustang. A witness who was stopped at the intersection heard popping sounds from the nearby Mustang and watched as it “stuttered”into the intersection. The witness sawWhitehead’s body fall out of the driver’s doorbut could not see who wasbehind the wheel ofthe Mustang as it drove away. Whitehead was dead by the time police arrived a few minutes later. Hehad been shot once in the headat very close range and three times in the back.
Velma Ogden Whitehead, has been released from prison

To view graves or obituaries, click on the victim name link. To read the full appeal filed by the killer, use the link on the killer's name.
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